User Management

The user management tool gives you the flexibility to centrally manage and create online teams to handle different enquiry types (Management, Sales, Underwriting, Compliance), setup teams based on skill sets and/or set agent access levels.


  • Manage multi-site operations and dealership groups.

  • Setup your teams based on enquiry categorisation access options based on enquiry categories or skill sets.

  • Manage access levels by user.

  • Setup introducer logins.

  • Assign agents/teams to specific departments.

  • Reporting by team or agent.

What does this mean to me?

With the easy to use User Management feature, accessible to admin users only, you’re in complete control of who in your team does what and when.

Agents can be given access to all enquiries in any category and from any marketing/enquiry source or you can set restrictions by agent. It’s all very flexible and designed to be so. Coupled with the enquiry assignment features and pre-built strategies to increase productivity you’ll have ultimate control of how you’d like to work your valuable enquires.

Staff department shortages can be easily elevated by giving access temporarily to other agents.

If you use introducers you can setup new introducer accounts from within User Management. This gives them access to a real-time portal where they check the status of enquiries they’ve sent into your AutoConvert account.